As always, there is a theme to my paintings. Here is a story behind this particular painting. I have been working on it long and hard and it is finally completed. This one is dedicated to my brother and I will be shipping it to him in the next few days.
My brother asked me to create this painting for him. The site for this endeavor is in my bro's back yard. In 2004, my brother married the love of his life. They were wedded under the gazebo that my brother spent so much time creating and perfecting. He is like his father and his Uncle Joe, in that he loves landscaping, creating and planting flowers, etc.
The night before the wedding, I had a dream. In that dream, our Dad was back in the flesh sitting on the bench under the gazebo......looking quite young and very happy/pleased with the surroundings. I told my brother about it the next day............we both felt that Dad was there for the ceremony and that Dad was very proud to be there. I know he was telling my bro that he was also very proud of his son.
My brother asked me to paint a portrait of my dream. This activity has brought so much emotion...........sadness, joy, love, etc.
Dad is no longer with us physcially..........he died in 1986. I adored my Dad. He was the best! I hope I have captured the essence of my father in this painting............for my very special brother. Sweetness, for sure.